

[Souscription] Silver Generation in China. The adaptation generation !

As China is a fiercely aging society ! In 2040 60+ years old will represent 28% of the population. Yet Chinese Seniors have not been investigated by brands and need to be rediscovered.


Deep dive into a generation that has constantly adapted itself to a changing China and that has the means and will to consume, even in a difficult economic context.

What you will learn :

  • Powerful insights : understand the key behaviors of Chinese seniors and their impact on various markets.
  • Lifestyle and values : discover their aspirations and the values shaping their consumption choices.
  • Key learnings for brands : practical strategies for adapting your brand, whether you’re in retail, automotive, finance, beauty, luxe or any other sector.

If you need more information, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Votre interlocuteur

Nicolas Riou Directeur Général Brain Value

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