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Masterclass : What’s happening in the US ? A glimpse into Luxury, Beauty, Retail, and the American consumer

Le 26 mars 2024

de 09:30 à 13:00

Le Mississippi (Bateau)
Port de Javel Haut,
75015 Paris

Les intervenants

Stephanie Sandler

President Ifop Inc. North America

Stéphane Truchi

CEO Groupe Ifop

Oudghiri Rémy

DG Sociovision

Riou Nicolas

CEO Brain Value


What’s happening in the US ?
A glimpse into Luxury, Beauty, Retail, and the American consumer


Join us for an exclusive event organized by the Ifop Group, featuring the exclusive presence of Stéphanie Sandler, President of Ifop Inc. North America.

An opportunity to deep dive into the American market and its nuances in luxury, beauty, lifestyle & retail trends… in the current climate of high costs of living, political uncertainties, and the increasing role of AI, we will explore hot topics and tensions among Americans right now including post-Covid geographical shifts and introduce you to the next generation of your consumers, Gen Alpha.



Ifop group masterclass program – 9:30 am to 1:00 pm

A welcome coffee followed by…


Key Figures on the American market and the potential for Luxury and Lifestyle markets.


A Deep Dive into the American Market and its Nuances in Luxury, Beauty, Lifestyle & Retail, and trends with specific examples (showcase some buzzworthy American marketing campaigns!) and a special focus on Gen-Alpha, your next customer!


A mirrored analysis of the American Consumer compared to Chinese and European consumers based on a prospective study VISION[S], key study of Sociovision,


Followed by a Brain Value presentation of the key success factors for luxury brands in the US. However, US luxury differs from other markets and operates on its own principles: we will explore its distinctive characteristics and driving forces, unraveling what sets it apart and fuels its triumph.


The interventions will alternate between French and English


Experience included with the Masterclass


Embark on the Mississippi Riverboat…

This Masterclass will take place aboard the Mississippi Riverboat for a cruise during this immersion from Paris to the US.

An American breakfast and a networking cocktail will be awaiting you on board.


📍 Le Mississippi (Bateau)

Port de Javel Haut,

75015 Paris

Accès : RER C : Javel

Métro ligne 10 : Javel – André Citroën



Places on this exclusive morning are limited. As a privileged contact and to guarantee your participation, we invite you to complete the form by clicking on the button below. Once we have received your request, our team will contact you to finalise your registration.


  • Non-client rate: €690 excluding VAT
  • Preferential rate for Groupe Ifop 2022/2023 clients: €490 excluding VAT


The event is over. Thank you to everyone who shared this morning with us!

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