Publication 26/04/2022

Sociovision anticipates changes in society and accompanies your transformations

The yellow vests, the spread of working from home, #metoo and the rise of female activism, the unavoidable inclusiveness in the United States, skintellectuals, new masculinities, extremist voting, the middle classes, etc. – so many subjects that the Sociovision teams have examined in the last few months.


While the topics are diverse, our approaches are always based on:


  • In-depth decoding: Understanding and anticipating the fundamental movements of society, deciphering emerging phenomena (spreading slowly or arriving on the scene in a sensational way), decoding cultural changes, distinguishing ephemeral phenomena from those that will last a long time and have real impact – that is at the heart of our business.


  • A 360° look at “people”, in all their facets: Behind such categories as consumers, employees, supporters of such and such a cause, the “18–30 year-olds”, etc. there are real people with motivations, values, aspirations, needs, dreams, hobbies and social interactions. These are the things we explore in order to put their expectations of your category, your brand and your company into perspective.


  • Both researchers and consultants: Our strength is combining the sociological perspective with strategic support expertise for our clients (decision-making for marketing, communication, innovation, etc.) to transform cultural and societal changes into concrete courses of action.


  • Methods adapted to the objective: At Sociovision, the goal determines the study and analysis tools to use. Quantitative and qualitative information from our observatories (in France and internationally) of social and cultural change to provide a perspective, ad hoc surveys for questions focused on your subjects, interviews with experts or change-makers to make a step ahead, a constant view of pop culture (series, films, music, celebrities, etc.) to have a finger on the pulse of society, a view of market innovations (yours and others) to inspire you. The final product is quantified renderings that are nonetheless lively, prioritised, illustrated and easy to share.



Visit our website for more information

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Rémy Oudghiri Deputy Managing Director Sociovision

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